Scott Listfield | Pink And Purple Evening

Scott Listfield | Pink And Purple Evening

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Scott Listfield

Pink And Purple Evening

16" X 20" Oil On Canvas



Scott Listfield is known for his paintings featuring a lone exploratory astronaut lost in a landscape cluttered with pop culture icons, corporate logos, and tongue-in-cheek science fiction references. Scott grew up in Boston and studied art at Dartmouth College. After some time spent living abroad, Scott returned to America and, after watching 2001: A Space Odyssey for the first time, began painting astronauts and, sometimes, dinosaurs. He now lives and works in Los Angeles.

Scott regularly exhibits his work in galleries and museums around the world, and his paintings have been profiled in Juxtapoz, Wired Magazine, and The Boston Globe. In 2018 the first book on his work was published by Paragon Books.

"I paint astronauts and, sometimes, dinosaurs.

Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey was released in 1968, well before I was born, so I have no firsthand knowledge of how it was received. I don’t know if people really believed we'd be living in space in 2001, if we'd have robot butlers and flying cars, geodesic lunar homes, and genetically reconstituted dinosaurs helping or eating us. But from Lost in Space to the Jetsons to Jurassic Park, it seems that popular culture has fostered this space-age perception of the future. Generations raised on these TV shows, movies, comic books, and novels are now grown and living in a future filled with mini vans, Starbucks, iPads, and Hip Hop videos. In many ways, the year 2001 failed to live up to expectations. And yet the world today is peculiar in ways unimagined in 1957, when Sputnik was launched, or in 1968, when 2001 was released, or even in 1994, at the dawn of the internet. The present is in fact a very unusual place, and it's strangest in the ubiquity of things we take for granted.

The astronaut in my paintings is simply here to explore the present."